1. Basic Requirements
This journal requires manuscripts to have a word count ranging from 10,000 to 12,000 Chinese characters. Please submit manuscripts in Word format with single-column formatting.
2. Article Format
2.1 Title and authors
The article title should be concise, accurate, specific, and standardized. The title should generally not exceed 20 Chinese characters and preferably does not include subtitles. The Chinese and English titles should convey the same meaning.
Authors' names should be accompanied by their Pinyin romanization. The surname should come first, followed by the given name, separated by a space. The surname should be in all capital letters, whereas the given name should only have its first letter capitalized with the remaining letters in lowercase.
The affiliation of each author should include the full name of the institution, the province or city where it is located, and the postal code. If there are multiple authors, the numeral before the institution should match the numeral placed at the upper right corner of the respective author's name.
2.2 Abstract and keywords
In both Chinese and English abstracts, please avoid including background knowledge and subjective comments. Do not use first-person pronouns such as "this study..." or "this experiment...". The abstract should include the four essential elements: "Objective", "Methods", "Results", and "Conclusion". The content of the Chinese and English abstracts should be consistent. The content should include: (1) "Objective," which describes the research question, objective, or hypothesis (must align with the introduction); (2) "Methods," including the study period, location, methods, instruments used, and other relevant information; (3) "Results," presenting the main findings of the study (including key data) and their demonstration and description; (4) "Conclusion," indicating the main conclusions and potential applications derived from the research (must correspond to the research objective). The abstract should stand on its own as a complete and comprehensive short essay, aiming to present the research results as thoroughly as possible. It should be approximately 500 words in length and maintain consistency between the Chinese and English versions.
Keywords should generally include 3 to 8 terms related to core topics, hot trends, and names of key research areas that reflect the characteristics of the study. The Chinese and English keywords should correspond and be listed in the same order.
2.3 Chinese Library Classification number and funding projects
The manuscript should include the "Chinese Library Classification" number, as specified in the "Chinese Library Classification" (5th edition), below the keywords. The footer on the first page of the main text should indicate the source of funding for the research project, the project name, and its number. The footer should also provide a brief introduction of the first author and the corresponding author, including the author's name (birth year - present), gender, academic degree, professional title, research direction, and email address.
2.4 Requirements for main text
The main text should include the following sections: (1) Introduction, (2) Overview of study area, experimental materials, and methods, (3) Results and analysis, (4) Discussion, (5) Conclusion.
For review articles, there are no specific requirements, but they should focus on the forefront of scientific issues, providing comprehensive, in-depth, and systematic summaries and analyses. The logical structure should be clear, and new insights should be presented.
2.5 References
References should generally include the most relevant literature published within the past 5 years, with a recommended number of 30 references. Adequate citations should be given to relevant articles published domestically and internationally, especially classic articles and recent important research achievements in the field. Unpublished literature or data should not be cited as references but can be briefly mentioned with an indication of their source. For references in Chinese, a corresponding English translation should also be provided.
3. Figures & Tables
Each article should contain no more than 4 figures and tables. Figures and tables should be placed directly at their respective positions within the text. The numbering of figures and tables should be sequential throughout the article, without regard to chapters. The corresponding figure or table number should be indicated with parentheses in the text to ensure consistency. Text descriptions should avoid duplication with figures and tables. Statistical analysis should be applied to the data presented in figures and tables. Figures, photographs, and other illustrations should be clear and accurate. All figure and table captions should be concise, specific, and presented in both Chinese and English for clarity.
4. Units of Measurement, Symbols, and Numerical Format
The International System of Units should be used for all measurements, and standard symbols of units should be employed. For values consisting of four digits or more, scientific notation should be used. Thousand separators should be presented as half-width spaces, and a half-width space should also be used to separate numerical values from their unit symbols. Foreign place names should follow the "World Geographical Names Standard" and international organization names should follow the "UN and Related Organizations' English Names Translation Guide." For the first occurrence of a biological species name, its Latin name should be provided and italicized. Statistical symbols and variables should be italicized.