





Effects of Different Potassium (K) Fertilizers on Cadmium Content in Soil-Crop System Under Reclaimed Water Irrigation
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    为了探明再生水灌溉条件下不同施钾肥处理对土壤-作物系统Cd的影响及差异性,通过田间微区试验研究了不同施钾肥处理对再生水灌溉番茄植株、果实以及根际土与非根际土Cd含量的影响。结果表明:再生水灌溉条件下,施钾肥处理可提高番茄果实产量,施加KCl较K2SO4增产效果明显,分别较不施肥处理可增产6.10%~24.00%和1.36%~13.16%;不施钾肥较不施肥处理番茄果实Cd含量降低,但降低幅度小于施加钾肥处理,施加KCl较K2SO4处理番茄果实Cd含量较低,Cd含量分别较不施钾肥处理分别减少58.33%和8.33%,且各处理均未超0.05 mg/kg的限值标准;不施钾肥处理较不施肥处理土壤pH、Cd含量有所降低,降低幅度小于施钾肥处理,有效态Cd有所增加,施加KCl和K2SO4较不施肥处理有效态Cd降低,施加KCl和K2SO4较不施钾肥处理根际土和非根际土pH、Cd含量和有效态Cd含量均有所降低,其中施加KCl根际土和非根际土Cd含量分别降低2.96%~3.11%和5.75%~14.22%,施加K2SO4分别降低4.14%~5.90%和8.10%~8.29%;施加KCl根际土和非根际土有效态Cd含量分别降低10.75%~16.19%和13.98%~28.74%,施加K2SO4分别降低15.97%~20.55%和19.91%~24.70%。因此,再生水灌溉条件下,可通过选择施加适宜的钾肥种类,调控重金属Cd在土壤-作物系统的分布及其生物有效性,施加K2SO4较KCl相比,可一定程度降低土壤Cd全量及有效态Cd含量。


    In order to find out the effects of different potassium (K) fertilizer on cadmium (Cd) in soil-crop system under the condition of reclaimed water irrigation, the field experiment was conducted to study the effects of different K fertilizer treatments on the Cd content of tomato plants, fruits, rhizosphere soil and non-rhizosphere soil. The results showed that under the condition of reclaimed water irrigation, applying K fertilizer could increase the yield of tomato fruits, the effect of KCl on the tomato fruit yield was more obvious than that of K2SO4, and the yield was increased by 6.10%~24.00% and 1.36%~13.16%, respectively, compared with the treatment without K fertilizer. The Cd content of tomato fruit in the treatment without K fertilizer was lower than that of the no fertilization treatment, but the decrease range was less than that of the treatment with K fertilizer. The Cd content of tomato fruit treated with KCl was lower than that treated with K2SO4, and the Cd content decreased by 58.33% and 8.33%, respectively, compared with the treatment without K fertilizer, and the content of Cd in all treatments did not exceed 0.05 mg/kg limit value. The pH value and the total Cd content of soil in the treatment without K fertilizer was lower than that in the treatment without fertilizer, but the decrease range was less than the treatment with K fertilizer. The available Cd increased. When KCl and K2SO4 were applied, the available Cd decreased compared with no fertilization treatment, and the total Cd content, available Cd content and the pH value in rhizosphere soil and non-rhizosphere soil were lower than those of treatment without K fertilizer. When the KCl was applied, the total Cd content of rhizosphere soil and non-rhizosphere soil decreased by 2.96%~3.11% and 5.75%~14.22%, respectively, and the available Cd content decreased by 10.75%~16.19% and 13.98%~28.74%, respectively. When the K2SO4 was applied, the content of total Cd in rhizosphere soil and non-rhizosphere soil decreased by 4.14%~5.90% and 8.10%~8.29%, respectively, and the available Cd content decreased by 15.97%~20.55% and 19.91%~24.70%, respectively. Therefore, under the condition of reclaimed water irrigation, the distribution and biological effectiveness of Cd in plant-soil system could be regulated by selecting appropriate K fertilizer. Compared with KCl, the application of K2SO4 could reduce the total Cd content and the available Cd content.


景若瑶, 崔二苹, 樊向阳, 胡超, 李中阳, 赵志娟, 李松旌, 刘源.不同钾肥对再生水灌溉条件下土壤-作物系统Cd的影响[J].水土保持学报,2019,33(1):328~333,339

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  • 收稿日期:2018-10-15
  • 在线发布日期: 2019-01-22