Abstract:The effects of different degree and period of water stress on photosynthesis, stem growth, grain yield and cumulating of up-ground and down-ground of dry-matter, were investigated based on watering experimentation in Oasis field. The results indicated that the more disadvantage affected photosynthesis, stem growth, cumulating of dry-matter, development of root and yield of winter wheat along with the increasing degree of water stress. The dry weight of root in the treatment, which the quantity of watering is 40% of soil water receptivity, was more than other treatments, because water stress can facilitate the development of new root of winter wheat that makes root system adequately take up water in mid-down layer soil and then attain the effect of water saving. The influence ofwater stress on yield of winter wheat in grouting stage is more serious, the yield of winter wheat suffered from water stress of light degree in jointing stage and then was rewatered was higher than other stage. winter wheat; water stress; photosynthetic function; biology characteristics